Today is an Important Day in America

Eric Allen
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2020


Photo by Tabrez Syed on Unsplash

Today is a very important day in the United States. Today not only decides who gets to live in the White House but also who controls the Senate. The stakes for our Nation are extremely high. There have been passionate arguments made by both democrats and republicans for well over a year in preparation for this day.

Both parties have done their part to highlight the dangers of the other wining. The media for sure has done their part to push what we should believe and who we should vote for. But, today is your day America. Today is your time to take all the facts you know about the candidates and make an informed decision. There are those that believe you are not capable of deciding for yourself whom you should vote for.

That of course is not true. Americans are smarter than the media wants to believe. You are more than capable of making an informed decision and voting for whom you believe is best fit to run this country.

Today it is important to remember that no matter what happens. No matter who wins. Time will go on. The world will still turn. And we as Americans can still be kind and friendly to one another. We can agree to disagree on the many important issues this nation faces and still find ways to work together to solve those issues.

So, wherever you are if you are thinking your vote doesn’t matter. You are wrong. Every vote matters. Everyone matters. We are blessed to live in a country where we the people get to determine who leads this country and who makes the laws that will impact us all. There are billions of people around the world that don’t have that opportunity. They have no voice or recourse in determining how their government is run nor any way to fight against the oppression they are under.

Now is your time America. Make it count!



Eric Allen
Thoughts And Ideas

Husband to an amazing wife, dad to 3 awesome kids, trying to figure out my place in this world. Offering thought-provoking commentary on a wide range of issues.